To rapidly assist veterans and their families obtain services and benefits by working with Federal, State, County, and local Veteran Service Organizations. The Wisconsin Veterans...
Walter Klein Post 532 of The American Legion, Department of New York, is part of the Nation's largest wartime Veterans Service Organization. The officers and...
We assist Veterans and their families. We assist our community and the needy. We come to our country’s aid when called. We educate the next...
We are honored to be here to serve our Veterans with assistance, as well as to promote legislation for the health and rights of veterans—we’ll even...
Post 4999 Department of Illinois Veterans of Foreign Wars is pleased to welcome everyone to our facility. Our site is intended to keep current members...
We, at Wheeler-Young, VFW Post 201 are dedicated to providing a friendly, welcoming environment to serve yesterday's defenders of freedom and welcome today's military service...
We welcome all to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Indiana. Our common bond is the battlefield, whether it is service in the Persian Gulf,...
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) is a nonprofit charitable (tax deductible) Veterans service organization comprised of eligible Veterans and military...
VET SMILES is our unique initiative to provide dental care to eligible, “at risk” veterans across North Carolina. For military veterans, we seek to recognize...