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The Women's Golf Association of Western Pennsylvania ("WGAWP") was founded in 1922 and is the administrator of women's amateur golf in the region.  We are...

 Civic /  Pennsylvania

The Nashville Downtown Partnership is a private sector nonprofit corporation whose core purpose is "to make Downtown Nashville the compelling urban center in the Southeast...

 Civic /  Tennessee

What's the Purpose of MS Grad Jobs? Well educated people like you help us grow the size and quality of the workforce in Mississippi. MS...

 Civic /  Mississippi

The mission of the Kirbyville Public Library is to provide materials and services to help community residents obtain information meeting their personal, educational, and professional needs. ...

 Civic /  Texas

Mission: To advance the economic aspirations and culture of the Xúna Kaawu through business excellence, sustainable economic growth, leadership, and education.

 Civic /  Alaska

The mission of the Wiyot Tribe is to exercise our tribal rights and promote our common welfare, to establish the supreme law of the Tribe,...

 Civic /  California

The Holmen Lions are a dedicated group of community leaders helping the Holmen area through local projects and international goals set by Lions International. From our annual...

 Civic /  Wisconsin

Welcome to Waterford Township American Legion Post 311. We are open Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights Starting at 6:00 PM

 Civic /  New Jersey

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