Hand scraping is what gives Bridgeport milling machines a distinctive feel. Gary will hand scrape the bearing surfaces on all the mating surfaces of the iron; column ways, dovetails, saddle, and the gibs. This provides a customized “surface to surface” fit. All ways are scraped to original tolerances, set by the original manufacturer.
The lubrication system is the most important component of the way surfaces. Some service technicians will neglect the lube system. I especially focus on this important part of the machine to insure a longer life for your machine rebuild.
Every Bridgeport mill is a candidate for a machine rebuild. Bridgeport Machine has produced a quality machine for many years at its former home in Connecticut. Our Bridgeport rebuilding service will produce a milling machine comparable to a new Bridgeport, for 50% less than the cost of a new machine. Our process will return your mill to its original condition.